Become a Job-Ready Web Developer with these ultimate free resources

Become a Job-Ready Web Developer with these ultimate free resources


Hello Guys, My name is Abeer. This is your ultimate resource for becoming a web developer from someone who doesn't know how to write a single line of code to someone who is a job-ready developer. This is not a course made by myself, but a compilation of tutorials from some of the brilliant teachers on the internet. The thing is I organized them in a way so that you can get the 100% value of a paid course. There are some paid courses we see on different platforms like Udemy and Coursera that are good in my opinion. But most people seek free resources and for them, this tutorial outline provides the same value as a paid web development course.

FrontEnd Development

This course outline is for Front-End development:

  1. How does the INTERNET work? | ICT #2

  2. Know about Web Development first - Practical Guide to becoming a web developer in 2023

  3. HTML - Learn HTML – Full Tutorial for Beginners (2022)

  4. CSS - CSS Tutorial – Full Course for Beginners

  5. CSS pre-processor (CSS Extension) - SASS Tutorial (Build Your Own CSS Library)

  6. Command prompt(CMD) / Terminal - 15+ Terminal Commands Every Developer Must Know

  7. Git and GitHub - Choose one of these videos

    1. Complete Git and GitHub Tutorial [English]

    2. Git & GitHub complete course Bangla (Beginner to Advanced) by Anisul Islam [Bangla]

    3. Crash Course - সহজ বাংলায় Git & GitHub - Bangla ( বাংলা ) Tutorial by Sumit Saha [Bangla]

  8. Install VS code: How to Install Visual Studio Code

  9. JavaScript - Choose one of the courses below. Each one is good enough

    1. JavaScript Full Course for free 🌐 (2023)

    2. JavaScript Full Course for Beginners | Complete All-in-One Tutorial | 8 Hours

  10. React.js - Choose one of these videos

    1. React JS Full Course for Beginners | Complete All-in-One Tutorial | 9 Hours

    2. React Course For Beginners - Learn React in 8 Hours

  11. Redux - React Redux Full Course for Beginners | Redux Toolkit Complete Tutorial

  12. Tailwind CSS (CSS framework) - Tailwind CSS Full Course for Beginners | Complete All-in-One Tutorial | 3 Hours

  13. Firebase React Course For Beginners - Learn Firebase V9+ in 2 Hours

  14. Make a project or clone a well-known website. For example, create a blogging site where users can signup, login, write a blog and save, delete and others can read blog posts.

Now, take a pause. You have completed the most essential part of becoming a front-end developer. Now, you can call yourself a front-end developer and can apply for a job. You should apply for a job by the way. But before you apply, make sure you have a good-looking and well-explained portfolio site as well as a resume.

There is a chance that you might face difficulty in finding a job because nowadays TypeScript and NextJS are two hot technologies that organizations, firms, or startups really fond of. So, you should not stop applying for an entry-level position but continue learning these two.

You can learn TypeScript and Next.js from the following tutorials:

  1. TypeScript - Watch at least one video from these two. I would suggest going for the first one. But also check out the second one. The second one covers some missing topics I guess.

    1. TypeScript Full Course for Beginners | Complete All-in-One Tutorial | 8 Hours

    2. Learn TypeScript – Full Tutorial - Hitesh Choudhary

  2. Next.js - I would suggest watching at least the first one. Then see what missing parts you can learn from Dave Gray's one.

    1. The Most Efficient Next.JS 13.4 Beginner Tutorial (TypeScript)

    2. Dave Gray -

  3. Make a couple of projects. There is no alternative to making projects or showcasing your tasks to acquire a job. You can watch Antonio's Youtube Channel to practice making projects.

So, that's all you need to become a very good front-end developer. But you need to upgrade your knowledge every now and then. There are so many npm packages and other helpful libraries that you need to know how they can be used in a project. This is crucial.